2" diagonals with (S)elf (C)entering eyepiece holder.
to convert your diagonal is $149 If
we purchase and/or stock the diagonal it will cost the current cost of
the brand you choose + $10 for purchase and stock costs. Here
are some diagonals you can choose from. You can click on the name to
see the diagonal you are purchasing before conversion. If
we convert your Daigonal Converted
focusable SC WO
97% Refractor Diag $257 Converted
focusable SC WO
99% SCT Diagonal $347 Converted
focusable SC Astotech
Ref Diagonal $238 Converted
focusable SC Astotech
SCT Diagonal $248
Picture soon to come Do
you have minor to "Gorilla" mirror shift in your LX series or
other telescope? Are you thinking about installing a focuser after your
visual back to fix the problem? You may create more problems then
you fix. Some SCT scopes have limited room between the visual back and
scope fork and a focuser may make slewing to the zenith impossible. Or
you may not be able to come to focus with certain accessories like focal
length reducers or binoviewers because of the added length of the
focuser. If
nothing else the added length of the focuser will increase the
magnification of your SCT by as much as 15% Would
you like to have the problem eliminated quick and neatly without adding
any more length to the back of your scope or focal length?
At the same time have
your eyepiece holder a self centering type that is precise and holds
your eyepiece firmly without marring the barrel. Even with the thumb
screw compression ring type you really have to torque the screw down to
get a good hold on the eyepiece. Not so with the feather touch self
centering holder replacement sold by Siebert Optics. If we convert your
diagonal the cost is $149
Please tell me your binoviewer type
and how old it likely is.
Look below for instructions.
low profile 1.25" diagonal for your Refractors including
refractors such
as WO/Astrotech 66mm/80mm ED/ Orion ED 80mm and 100mm or
other refractors you might have with a 2" visual back
of diagonal is $199 #(Diag125)
transmission diagonal.
Instructions "Click here"
See YouTube video
instructions here Click.
below for more pictures
will work with the Orion ED series/WO and Astrotech and many other
will this diagonal do when used with a Burgess/WO/Stellarvue/Orion/Celestron and other
like binoviewers including my own
Focus your refractors without an
OCA! Sometimes you are so close to focus with binoviewer
in your 1.25" diagonal that you can almost taste it, but can't
quite get there.
Thread this diagonal in the bottom of your WO, Burgess,
Celestron,Orion or Stellarvue binoviewer (Remove nose piece) and attach it to your refractor and you will be binoviewing without the added
magnification of an OCA and at a price that might be less expensive then
most of my OCA correctors.
 Scope in solar use and
focusing nicely
Instructions below.
Different binoviewers may
need different attachment pieces.

The front two thumb screws have been replaced with nylon setpoints. The
supplied Hex key is to loosen and tighen these. The Hex has no elbow so
you do not tignten too hard. The thumb screw out the back is for
locking it in place(easy on this one too). The two up front is for
fitting in the inside channel.
