Ad #3
2" 1x and
1.3x Multi Magnification High Output OCA's For all Binoviewers
New 38mm CA available. B)
See 2" filter thread
adaptor below for the (B) series OCA. (A) series OCA already
threaded for 1.25" filters
F2.8 Scopes and above.
back focus needed. These are Adjustable focus full compensations OCA's and x1 means Zero
magnification is added to your eyepieces.
let me know what Binoviewer you have and The attachment it
has at the bottom EX: T-2. Also Click Here.
Multi Mag adaptors below for all Binoviewers.
Instructions for All OCA's Below.
The OCA focus adapters
below can come with a universal connection for all binoviewers or
optimal T2 for the Baader Quick Connect. or TV binoviewer to replace
the 1.25" nose piece.
Please specify in your order so I can send the
correct connection type.
Standard A) SERIES Size OCA
here (Large below these)
Piece for Newts & Refractors, $299.
for F5 scopes on up
A2)1x Two
Piece for Refractors, for
F5 scopes on up
(2OCAx1) Actual
mag is 0.93x
Piece for Newts & Refractors,
(2multiOCA132027) Mags 1.3x, 2.0x,
F5 scopes on up
.A4)1x MultiMag
Piece for Newts & Refractors, $399.
(2multiOCAx113) Mags-1x,
for F5 scopes on up
.A5)1x MultiMag
Piece for Newts & Refractors, $399.
(2multiOCAx11520) Mags-1x,
1.5x, 2.0,
for F5 scopes on up
======================= New Large OCA
here 38mm CA (B) SERIES
2" Filter
adpator $30
Click here to see the (P)ower (M)ag (W)heel additions of these
focus adaptors. See A1 and A2 in Ad #6 Click here
B1) 1.3x
Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors,
For F2.9 scopes on up.
B1a) 1.15x
Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors,
For F2.9 scopes on up.
B2)1x Large 38mm CA OCA for
All Refractors,
$399. (2OCA1x38)
For F2.9 scopes on up.
/x2 Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors,
For F2.9 scopes on up.
/x2 Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors,
For F2.9 scopes on up.
B4)1x / 1.3x Multimag Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors, $599.
For F2.9 scopes on up.
/ 1.5x Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors,
For F2.9 scopes on up.
B6)1x / 2.0x Large 38mm CA OCA for Newts & Refractors,
For F2.9 scopes on up.
and Baader 28mm nose piece and is $30
2" base for your binoviewer $99
pictures below
Will it work with your VERY fast Dob at
1.3x. Look at this Cloudynights discussion. >
Click here.
back focus needed.

OCA's Shown above
in Newtonian mode.
Baader Left above can use the quick ring to mount
the OCA on the bottom of the Baader binoviewer and used in Dob or other
telescopes. The Baader MB and TV on the right can have the OCA screw
into the bottom with threaded T2 top on the OCA(See picture on the far
right. More below.
and Baader MB/28mm nose piece and is $30
To use the OCA in refractors, the Diagonal must
have an standard 2" eyepiece holder and the nose of the diagonal must
have a 2" dia and standard 2" filter threads at the nose to hold a
portion of the OCA. Baader Diagonals can be
used but only in the configuration just specified. EX: Televue
diagonals are good like the one above left. Baader above center is setup
similar. The 1.25" nosepiece on the right is
for Baader MB and TV with the universal OCA and other OCA I sell like in
Ad #4. It has T2 threads at the top and Female 1.25" threads at the
bottom. The TV above is using it with the universal OCA. No
back focus needed.
Not enough can be said about the above corrector. The
magnification factor can be as low as .93x and is sharp to the edge of
the field of view in a set of my 24mm Ultra Plus's or Panoptic 24mm's.
If you own a refractor and a TV or Denk binoviewer or any other large
Prism bino you will be blown away by the bright low magnification
images. It use to be that binoviewing carried a higher
magnification price. Now Siebert Optics has changed all that.
Try this product for 60 days and if you are
not completely satisfied return it for a full refund of the purchase
price. This unit has been thoroughly tested in a number of
different scopes including specifically TV scopes.

New Large 38mm CA OCA picture Below
