Observatory Elite
This line has many
professional and amateur applications
See complete list
Click on pictures


40mm - 100mm

40mm - 100mm
2.5" 40-70mm
(Brass) add $199*
For Istar and like
F10-F15 .
All have 25mm E.R.
The 2.5" 40mm 75 deg FOV
The 2.5" 42mm 75 deg FOV
The 2.5" 50mm 70 deg FOV
The 2.5" 55mm 63 deg FOV
The 2.5" 60mm 57 deg FOV
The 2.5" 65mm 53 deg FOV
The 2.5" 70mm 50 deg FOV
2.5 lb
2.7" 40 -70mm
(Brass) add $299*
All have 25mm E.R.
The 2.7" 40mm 75 deg FOV
The 2.7" 42mm 75 deg FOV
The 2.7" 50mm 70 deg FOV
The 2.7" 55mm 65 deg FOV
The 2.7" 60mm 63 deg FOV
The 2.7" 65mm 58 deg FOV
The 2.7" 70mm 54 deg FOV
3" 40 -70mm $999
(Brass) add $299*
All have 25mm E.R.
The 3" 40mm 75 deg FOV
The 3" 42mm 75 deg FOV
The 3" 50mm 70 deg FOV
The 3" 55mm 70 deg FOV
The 3" 60mm 65 deg FOV
The 3" 65mm 63 deg FOV
The 3" 70mm 58 deg FOV
The 3" 75mm 55 deg FOV
The 3" 80mm 50 deg FOV
4.0 pounds
4" 40-100mm
(Brass) add $499*
4.3" 40-100mm
(Brass) add $499*
All have 25mm E.R.
If your scope has to
carefully manage focus in-travel please give me details on the
limitations of your scopes focus.
All have a No F.S.
40mm AFOV
42mm AFOV
50mm AFOV
55mm AFOV
60mm AFOV
65mm AFOV 65deg
70mm AFOV 65deg
75mm AFOV 60deg
80mm AFOV 60deg
85mm AFOV 57deg
90mm AFOV 55deg
95mm AFOV 52deg
100mm AFOV 50deg
Observatory Elite 50mm - 110mm sizes 2.5" - 4.3" eyepieces are 6 element. They are fully
anodized Grey.
For large diagonals
click here.
This 80mm 4" eyepiece was sent to
the Mount Wilson observatory
in 2007
for use in their 60"
Cas See it in use
in link below. E.P. info here.
All pictures used are with the permission of owner. http://www.icstars.com/HTML/Events/MtWilson60/index.html
Click pictures below.
How about this 70mm 4.3" 70 deg eyepiece
that was sent to the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 2010 for their 6.5 meter or ( 234") Magellan. Link to
Observatory below. The Siebert 70mm is in the side of the scope next
to Patrick.
Picture of the Carnegie Institute's Magellan in Chile With
Siebertoptics 70mm 4.3"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9dNDGOmmgI Changing the
This scope below belonging to the
MDM Observatory are
now using my 80mm Elite 4.3".and a 4.3" diagonal.
Pat Seitzer who is pictured above viewing through the Magellan
purchased the 80mm and 4.3" diagonal in behave of the University of
Michigan. The school is a part owner of the scope 2.4-m Hiltner
pictured below. Here are a few of his comments.
Looking to obtain an eyepiece and star diagonal
for the 2.4-m Hiltner telescope at MDM Observatory on Kitt Peak. This
is a f/7.5 Ritchey-Chretien scope without a field corrector.
Thanks, Pat
I have looked through your
eyepiece on the 6.5-m Magellan telescope in Chile - amazing view.
They recommended me to you.
Hi Harry
The 80-mm eyepiece is a smashing
success on the 2.4-m Hiltner telescope at MDM
Observatory. Fantastic views. Photo of it and star
diagonal on tailpiece attached. Great job.
Thanks, Pat
The apparent FOV is perfect for M51 - both components
fully visible. Really dynamite
viewing. ---Pat
2.4 meter Hiltner below.

How about this 110mm 4.3" 55 deg 10 lb eyepiece
that was sent to the University of California for the Lick Observatory
in 2013 for their 36" 3 story Historic Refractor.
Above is Dr. Elinor Gates Manually pushing
the Giant Lick refractor. Comments from the Dr. Gates below..
"Here is a photo of the eyepiece as mounted on
the 36 inch refractor. At some point I hope to get a better photo, but
I think you'll agree the brass eyepiece looks very nice in the
historic brass mount we have. We haven't had much opportunity to use
the eyepiece yet as our summer programs have just started for the
season, but I'm pretty pleased with it so far (though one of our
volunteers thinks the eye relief is less than 25 mm, but I haven't
measured it, so don't know if he is complaining about nothing or
Link to
Observatory below.
is one of the latest US Observatories to purchase one of the
SiebertOptics Elite series eyepieces.
Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff AZ.
purchased this 70mm SWA 3" for their 8" F12 refractor pictured
below. This beautiful instrument Is made in the UK and the company
is said to make telescopes for the "Stars" Movie stars that is.:)
Click on the pictures below. Also see this video clip of one
of 6 telescopes in the Lowell public out reach program opening in
October 6th 2019 See and download video here >>
Clip here. See also here on youtube >>
Click here.
2.7" and 3"eyepieces.
4" and larger below.

These 2.7" and 3"eyepieces are for
Large and Backyard Observatory Telescopes alike. Camera adaptor
now Optional.
4 "
and + size
The above 80mm is used at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California. Here
the 80mm Elite is compared to a 40mm Pentax XL.
And below shows the optional mounted
on camera adaptor.

The above 70mm 4.3" eyepiece is used in the
24 Foot Dia Magellan in Chile.. picture above.
This 90mm Elite was sent to
Herold Observatory, Onalaska School District, WA as part of an
Astro-Physics 4.3" focuser upgrade for their 24" Cassegrain.
Here is the 4.3" Focuser on their site.
Click Here.
28", f/9 Cassegrain Telescope
These 4" 55mm and 70mm Elites below were sent to
Seoul Korea for the
Research Institute of Space & Astronomy..
Scopes to be used are a 600mm and 1000mm RC..

The Elite series eyepieces
on your scopes.
4.3" /
4 "/
and 2.5" Eyepieces
Some of these eyepieces can even be used in long F.L.
backyard Observatory scopes. The eyepieces below will give you at
least twice
the amount of sky possible for your largest field stop 2" eyepieces. 10" -
60" and much larger Cassegrain
scopes. 5"
and larger long F.L. Refractors.
EX: 6" f15 Refractor F.L. 2268mm
------------Here is the Elite
(55mm 2" TV Plossl) and it's 50deg
AFOV has a 1.10deg True FOV.
(65mm 3" Elite) and it's 65deg AFOV has a 1.67deg
True FOV.
Now that sounds like only about 51% gain
in true FOV but the amount of sky you are now covering more than 2.3x
greater in terms or Square area. This will hold true for any scope you use
it in. More facts below.
-----Will you have problems with your Exit
Pupil. Look Below.-------
Exit Pupil with 3" 65mm at F15 is
= 4.3mm --Great
Exit Pupil with 3" 65mm at F12.5 is
= 5.2mm --Great
Exit Pupil with 3" 65mm at F10 is
= 6.5mm --Not Bad
Click on eyepiece pictures below to enlarge.
What scopes can use the 50mm-110mm? Many CCD chips will benefit from the
40mm-50mm eye lens
and huge optics of these eyepieces. In fact it may be the lowest possible power photo you
could take through your scope with eyepiece projection imaging. |